december 6, 2009 -- twenty years since the montreal massacre. never again! yet the global massacre continues apace as the worlds armies suck up vast resources while keeping the world's civilians in the cross hairs. of course the nato alliance is the worst offender, offering global carnage and global lies (and massive speaking fees for global war criminals like bush and blair) and all of that as half the world starves to death. the killer in montreal was a terrorist for male privilege. he murdered fourteen females in an act of political violence directed at women's self-determination and equality. in the same way, nato armies and nato politicians are practitioners of violence and terror in support of elite (and male dominated) rule. so on december 6 support feminism and remember the victims of male violence. and if you'd like to support a male-initiated solidarity project that starts by naming the violence that puts a woman in a shelter, please send a cheque to Ken Hancock at the Walk Against Male Violence, P.O. Box 55, Dunnville, Ontario, N1A 2X1. His project approaches it's own 20th anniversary next spring and deserves your support.
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